How do we build a sustainable, highly skilled and productive construction sector for the future?
The choices we make today will define whether we as individuals, and as a collective, meet the a once-in-a-century opportunity currently presented to South Australia.
The chance to create a strong economy that supports future South Australians for generations to come is within our grasp - but only if we have the courage to be bold and to be brave.
Amongst turbulent and ever-evolving global and local environments - with decarbonisation, geopolitical uncertainty, new technologies and disrupted supply chains all front of mind - we must as Architects, Engineers and Contractors embrace our role and responsibility to enable this future.
It won’t be easy. In fact it will be bloody hard - but that is why we must choose to accept this challenge.
Yes, innovation and progress in construction has always been difficult. In a sector laden with risk and complexity, outside the box thinking is rarely nurtured and the tried and tested is invariably the ‘safer’ path of choice for most.
But as we face near unprecedented labour and material supply shortages together with new challenges for procurement of products locally and from abroad and need to deliver more environmentally conscious processes and outcomes, we face a perfect storm. Never has it been more relevant to reconsider the way in which we design, build and operate.
We need a design and construction sector that is smarter, more inclusive and sustainable. We need leadership from government and the private sector to create an environment that balances the needs of today with those of the future. Because without intervention, the deliverers of the built environment will continue to offer business as usual outcomes which are fundamentally bad for the business of growing our state.
Building Futures offered inspiration for the revolution of the design and construction sector and provided the opportunity for industry to converse directly with Government and each other to design the pathway for change.
In an extended format for Future Forum at Adelaide Town Hall this year, following Keynote addresses from Dr. Duncan Maxwell (Future Building Initiative & Building 4.0 CRC), Damien Crough and Lance Worrall (authors of Building The Future We Want - A Prefabrication Industry Roadmap 2023-2033), Dr. Ariella Helfgott (Department of Premier & Cabinet) led a strategic visioning and foresight workshop with the 300 in attendance.
The outcome of the workshop will inform development of the missions outlined in the Premier's Economic Statement.
Networking followed at Electra House where attendees connected with other like-minded South Australians to help big ideas to grow.